Raimonds Vējonis
“Security is one of the biggest challenges of our century. Security of every human, country, region, Europe and the world is. Security is not only the national armed forces or national borders. Security includes a variety of aspects of the life of our society,” indicated President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis.


At the time when important decisions regarding strengthening of Latvia’s internal and external security are made, the President of Latvia invites to a series of public discussion on security of Latvia under conditions of the 21st century challenges.


The discussion aims to provoke more intense exchange of thoughts and views on security of Latvia and its people outside the framework of usual understanding. The first discussion of the series will take place at 2 p.m. on April 14 at the Blackheads House and will include the following reports: “What is Human Security?” – Professor of the University of Latvia Žaneta Ozoliņa, “How Safe Do People Feel Themselves in Latvia?" – Director of Public Opinion Research Centre SKDS Arnis Kaktiņš, “Economic Security" – Economist of the Bank of Latvia Andris Strazds, “Public Security” – Director of National Resources Institute Sergejs Ancupovs, “Social Cohesion” - RSU Professor Deniss Hanovs. The reports will be followed by a discussion moderated by the National Security Adviser to the President of Latvia Jānis Kažociņš.


The Saeima Presidium, heads of parliamentary factions, the members of the Saeima Committees responsible for corresponding issues, ministers, heads of local governments, state secretaries, researchers of particular fields, representatives of think tanks, and representatives of public organizationsand journalists are invited to the discussion.