Egils Levits National security
Egils Levits un Ilmārs Atis Lejiņš

On 25 April, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with Brigadier General Ilmārs Atis Lejiņš, Deputy Director of the Policy and Capability Development Department of NATO International Military Staff, at the Riga Castle.

They discussed the current security situation and the upcoming NATO Summit in Vilnius in July this year, where, according to both sides, it is necessary to implement the decisions made at the Madrid Summit last year and to confirm the activation of NATO plans.

President Levits acknowledged: "I am glad that we have young, capable officers in important positions at NATO Headquarters, thus strengthening the security of the Alliance and of Latvia!"

25.04.2023. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits Rīgas pilī tiekas ar NATO Starptautiskā militārā štāba politikas un spēju attīstības departamenta direktora vietnieku brigādes ģenerāli Ilmāru Ati Lejiņu