Edgars Rinkēvičs
06.03.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Latvijas Pašvaldību savienības priekšsēdi Gintu Kaminski un pašvaldību pārstāvjiem

On 6 March, President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs held a meeting with representatives of Latvian municipalities and the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments at the Riga Castle. The meeting addressed various issues related to financing, infrastructure, entrepreneurship, the school network, and security.

During the meeting with the local governments of Latvia, President Rinkēvičs outlined that security would become a priority of increased importance over the coming years. "I urge all parties involved to work on advancing civil resilience and civil-military cooperation. We cannot postpone this any longer. It is crucial to move beyond planning but also invest in testing and enhancing the civil protection system," said President Rinkēvičs. 

The discussion also covered the challenges faced by municipalities in implementing a series of reforms. The President of Latvia pointed out that assigning new functions to municipalities without additional funding is not advisable. Additionally, the President encouraged local governments to undertake active efforts to attract investment and promote economic development in Latvia's regions.

06.03.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Latvijas Pašvaldību savienības priekšsēdi Gintu Kaminski un pašvaldību pārstāvjiem