Edgars Rinkēvičs
04.03.2024. Informācijas tehnoloģiju drošības incidentu novēršanas institūcijas CERT apmeklējums

On 4 March, the President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, paid a visit to CERT.LV, the Information Technology Security Incident Response Institution, to gain a better understanding of the institution's work and priorities in the domain of cyber resilience in Latvia.

During the visit, the President of Latvia was introduced to the operational environment of CERT.LV, the institution's current activities, and ongoing developments and challenges in cyberspace. Meetings were held with the Head of CERT.LV, Baiba Kaškina, and with the Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia, Ināra Opmane. Furthermore, President Rinkēvičs visited the CERT.LV Operations Centre and the Industrial control equipment laboratory.

During the visit, the President recognized CERT.LV and its partner stakeholders for their effective work in identifying cyber threats, acquiring advanced threat information, and responding appropriately. "It is critical to continue and expand cyber threat search operations to promptly identify and eliminate cyber operations in Latvia's infrastructure. I thank all of Latvia's allies, including the United States and Canada, for their valuable support in strengthening cyber resilience across the European Union and NATO," said E. Rinkēvičs.

Defending Latvia's cyberspace has become particularly important in the context of Russia’s hybrid threats and full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The mission of CERT.LV is to ensure that Latvia is not a vulnerable target for cyber-attackers.

For information:

CERT.LV is a unit of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia. It operates under the authority of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia following the regulations of the Information Technology Security Law. CERT.LV's main tasks include maintaining and updating information on Information Technology (IT) security threats, providing support to public institutions in the field of IT security, and assisting any natural or legal person in preventing IT security incidents if the incident involves a Latvian IP address or .lv domain and organizing information and educational events in the field.

The public is encouraged to report or seek consultation on IT security incidents: cert@cert.lv, cert@cert.gov.lv; on spam incidents: abuse@cert.lv, abuse@cert.gov.lv; on IT vulnerabilities cvd@cert.lv, and to use all other means of communication: https://cert.lv/lv/kontakti, if appropriate.

04.03.2024. Informācijas tehnoloģiju drošības incidentu novēršanas institūcijas CERT apmeklējums