Raimonds Vējonis
Implementation of EU-Georgia Association Agreement should be a priority for the Georgian government, as it would strengthen external defensibility of the country and serve as a solid basis for the reforms and modernization of economy in the country. The President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis emphasized that during his meeting with the President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili, and he reminded the importance of informing the public about the expected benefits as reforming process was never simple and easy.


During the meeting that took place during the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, he also pointed out that Latvia was ready to share its reform experience, but Georgia should stick thoroughly to the initiated reforming plan of judiciary itself.


The President of Georgia expressed his gratitude for the Latvian firm and long-term support to Georgia, including during the Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga, by assisting in activating the Euro-Atlantic integration issues significant for Georgia on the level of the European Union. “We are already accustomed to the support of Latvia, but we do not wish to take that for granted, therefore every time we are grateful for their trust and support,” said Giorgi Margvelashvili, and he invited Raimonds Vējonis to visit Tbilisi in order to deepen bilateral relations further on.


During the conversation, both heads of state emphasized cooperation in the area of military and commitment of Georgia in facilitation of international security, by engaging in a mission in Afghanistan and holding military exercises with NATO partners. “The Summit in Warsaw next year will allow a clearer assessment of Georgia-NATO relationship dynamics, but it must be reckoned that Europe must face many other challenges in relation to the enormous flow of refugees at present and the issue of the Euro-Atlantic enlargement is not the top priority for many countries,” reminded Raimonds Vējonis. Giorgi Margvelashvili acknowledged that the public should feel positive dynamics of the relations including the issue of visa regime with the European Union. The President of Latvia indicated that Latvia supported completion of the action plan on visa liberalization with Georgia until the end of this year.


During the meeting with President and the Commander of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of Latvia reiterated intention to expand economic and political cooperation with African countries and particularly Kenya as one of the leaders in promotion of regional security. “African countries and the developments there seemed very far away for Latvia for many years, but more and more issues be tackled jointly bring us closer lately, mainly the flow of refugees to Europe,” stressed Raimonds Vējonis.


The President of Latvia emphasized the willingness of Latvia to cooperate with Kenya in international organizations, including the United Nations. He recalled that Latvia had participated in the EU missions and operations in the Central African Republic, Somalia, and Mali and that Latvia planned its first participation in a UN peacekeeping mission in Mali next year.


The President of the Republic of Kenya acknowledged that he appreciated an opportunity to expand diplomatic and economic links with Latvia as one of the European Union Member States, by highlighting great potential and rapid growth of Latvia that many African countries could learn. “Strong economic ties with Europe would definitely create more development opportunities for our country and would reduce social tension which makes people emigrate,” said Uhuru Kenyatta.


While continuing his working visit to the USA, the President of Latvia will participate in a high-level event “Opening session of the Leaders' Summit on Countering ISIL and violent extremism” hosted by the US President Barack Obama. Raimonds Vējonis will also attend the reception hosted by the Ambassador of Latvia to the UN Jānis Mažeiks and meet with the Latvian diaspora in New York on Tuesday, September 29. In its turn, on Wednesday, September 30, the President of Latvia will address the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.