Edgars Rinkēvičs Regional visits
16.07.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Ludzas novadā

On 16 July President Edgars Rinkēvičs paid a working visit to Ludza municipality. At the beginning of the visit, the President met with the leadership of the Ludza municipality in Zilupe. During his visit to the municipality, President Rinkēvičs was introduced to the operations of the certified organic producer company "Organic products" and the Mežvidu Agricultural Technology Park. Additionally, the President of Latvia visited Ludza Medical Centre and Kārsava Cultural and Historical Centre "Līču mājas".

"Ludza municipality, including Ludza, Kārsava, Zilupe and 22 parishes, represents not only a border municipality of Latvia but also a border of the European Union, which is an integral part of Latgale's regional development and Latvia's national security. It is therefore of particular importance to me to visit Ludza municipality in order to meet with its leadership, entrepreneurs and residents, and to talk in person about the issues that are currently of most concern to the region. In conversations with the Municipality Council leadership, we discussed the need for a transparent and fair system of local government financing. Local governments must be provided with additional support to enable them to fully utilise the opportunities afforded by European Union funds. This is crucial not only to achieve the objectives set by the European Union, but also to sustain the advancement of municipalities within the constraints of a restricted budget, where security is the main priority. The companies in the Ludza municipality are demonstrating that they are capable of and are successfully capitalising on the opportunities afforded by the special economic zone. I expect that the revised Action Plan for the economic growth of Latvia's eastern border regions will include further measures to motivate entrepreneurs to expand their businesses in Latgale," said President Rinkēvičs during his visit to Ludza.  

At the conclusion of his working visit, E. Rinkēvičs met with the residents of Ludza municipality at Ludza People's House.

16.07.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Ludzas novadā