Edgars Rinkēvičs Regional visits
24.05.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Ventspils novadā

On 24 May, President Edgars Rinkēvičs visited the Ventspils Region. During his working visit, E. Rinkēvičs met with the municipality's leadership to discuss the municipality's vision for the region's future development, the accessibility of the school network, the preservation of the Pope Manor cultural and historical ensemble, and the balance between natural conservation and economic and social development in the region.

E. Rinkēvičs visited the wood processing company "Kurekss" Ltd in Tārgale parish. In Ugāle High School, the President of Latvia learned about the work priorities of the educational institution and met with the students. In Ugāle, President Rinkēvičs held a meeting with the deputies and entrepreneurs of the municipality at the "Gaisma" Folk House.

“The untarnished nature of the Ventspils region, the picturesque Baltic Sea coastline and, most importantly, the patriotic people of the Ventspils region, who are committed to the future of the region, are of great value to the whole of Latvia. I believe that the location of Ventspils region and the Baltic Sea coastline offers the potential to expand the tourist and hospitality sector in the region significantly,” said President Edgars Rinkēvičs.

 At the end of his working visit, the President of Latvia visited the Jūrkalne steep shores.

24.05.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Ventspils novadā