Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents kopā ar 20 kuplām Latvijas ģimenēm pie Rīgas pils iededz Ziemassvētku egli
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis and the First Lady of Latvia Iveta Vējone lit the Christmas tree together with 20 active and large families from Latvia at the Riga Castle.

“Strong families are the backbone of a strong nation and country. Families are also the foundation for the happiness of every human being because the family is our strongest support, a place to draw strength, encouragement, and joy,” stressed President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis when addressing families from various regions of Latvia during the waiting time for Christmas in the Riga Castle.

Raimonds Vējonis noted that each of the families present was an example of strength and endurance for us all, and he wished them to continue their efforts to strengthen our country.

When addressing the families participating in the event, the First Lady of Latvia Iveta Vējone greeted the parents and children who had gathered in the Riga Castle, and she outlined, “While waiting for Christmas, we are gently looking back and evaluating what has been achieved. This is the time to thank our loved ones and relatives and just be together. Let us be together and do good merits because happiness lies in small things that we do from the bottom of our hearts and with love as well.”

The twenty families nominated by the Association of Local and Regional Governments of Latvia participated in the Christmas tree lighting event at the Riga Castle upon the invitation of the President of Latvia: Kozulins family from Ape Region, Kubils family from Ligatne Region, Aumeisters family from Valka Region, Strods family from Varaklani Region, Barkans family from Skriveri Region, Fabriks family from Vecumnieki Region, Laizans family from Tervete Region, Midegs family from Jekabpils, Zigners family from Alsunga Region, Gunta Gerule and Aldis Ronis family from Durbe Region, Klucis family from Dundaga Region, Pujats family from Aizpute Region, Vesma Irbe and Janis Puidiss family from Aloja Region, Soldatovs family from Olaine Region, as well as Mikelsons family from Engure Region, Ceimers family from Lielvarde Region, Smirnovs family from Rezekne, Kirsons family from Balvi Region, Vera Sevcuka family from Preili Region, and Stremjanovs family from Aglona Region. All large families are also actively engaged in the social life of their regions and towns.