Valsts prezidents: Piedalīsimies 13.Saeimas vēlēšanās un paši izlemsim mūsu valsts nākotni!
I invite every citizen of Latvia to participate in the elections of the 13th convocation of the Saeima and decide on the future of our country. If we do not vote, someone else will choose instead of us!

Many courageous people sacrificed their lives for us to have an opportunity to live in our country and to decide our destiny in a democratic process. We just must go to the polling station and cast our vote. So let us go to the ballot boxes and make our choice for Latvia.

Let us evaluate political parties and candidates not only for their recognition, but also for their professionalism, their achievements, or their backlogs. Yet, when listening to the promises of the candidates, we will analyse how feasible those promises actually are!

I am convinced that we, the electors in Latvia, are knowledgeable and wise to make a meaningful decision and make responsible choices in these elections.