Foreign policy Edgars Rinkēvičs
09.11.2023. Valsts prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs atklāj Latvijas kandidatūru ANO Drošības padomē 2026.-2027. gadā

On November 9 during a working visit to New York, USA, President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs launched Latvia’s campaign for an elected seat on the United Nations (UN) Security Council in 2026-2027. The opening event of the campaign was attended by UN member state representatives from Australia and Oceania, Africa, Asia, South America, Europe and North America.

In addressing the representatives of UN member states, the President of Latvia noted Latvia’s support to strengthening the international order, stressing the importance of cooperation: “Latvia can bring its unique perspective to strengthen the resilience of the multilateral system. I believe in the importance of facing challenges together! Together with you, with your countries, regional organizations, civil societies, and the youth. This is what our slogan of the campaign – together for peace and resilience – is about,” President Rinkēvičs said.

The President of Latvia highlighted that Latvia’s candidacy is a sincere pledge of the state to take up additional responsibility and contribute to the strengthening of global security. “Latvia joined the UN shortly after regaining independence in 1991. Membership in the UN has returned Latvia to the international community. It facilitated removal of the Soviet troops and strengthened Latvia’s statehood. Now, it is our turn and duty to protect the UN Charter. To demonstrate solidarity and to contribute to addressing the global security threats,” noted President Rinkēvičs.

The President of Latvia emphasised that the most important task is to defend the UN Charter, defend the rule of law, peace, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the UN member states. “Russia’s aggression against Ukraine continues to challenge the world and rules-based order. We support Ukraine’s peace initiative. We call on countries and organisations to join it to pave the way for just and long-lasting peace. Another challenge is the dramatic escalation of violence in the Middle East. Latvia strongly condemns the brutal attacks by Hamas on Israel. Further terrorist threats must be prevented. It is urgent to reduce the threat and suffering of Palestinian civilians. Application of international law, including humanitarian law is a must,” President Rinkēvičs asserted.

In his address, the President of Latvia noted that Latvia has identified three priority areas, where, if elected to the UN Security Council, it would focus on: rule of law, women’s rights and international security, including sustainability and development.

During the working visit, the President of Latvia met with Ilze Brands-Kehris, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, and gave several interviews for international media.

09.11.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča dalība pieņemšanā par godu Latvijas kandidatūras izvirzīšanai ANO Drošības padomē 2026.–2027. gadā