Edgars Rinkēvičs
08.01.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Sabiedrisko elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu padomes (SEPLP) pārstāvjiem

On January 8, President Edgars Rinkēvičs met with the Chairman of the Public Electronic Media Council (SEPLP) Jānis Siksnis and Council Members Sanita Upleja-Jegermane and Jānis Eglītis at the Riga Castle.

During the meeting, the President of Latvia was briefed by SEPLP representatives on the interruption of scheduled Latvian Radio programming caused by a fire on January 5th of this year.

President Rinkēvičs stated that Latvia’s Radio plays a critical role in informing the public, and that interruptions to public broadcasting without an immediate and accessible explanation of the situation are unacceptable. Public broadcasters must be capable of reacting and providing information on all communication platforms, including traditional broadcasting frequencies. Access to information is integral to public safety and confidence in the present security environment. This critical issue must be addressed without delay.

Questions related to ensuring the uninterrupted broadcasting of the country’s public channels will be discussed at the meeting of the National Security Council

08.01.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Sabiedrisko elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu padomes (SEPLP) pārstāvjiem