Raimonds Vējonis
President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis confirmed that Canada as a frame nation of NATO multinational battalion be deployed in Latvia would be provided all necessary support during his meeting with Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau in Warsaw today. He also expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister of Canada for the decision of Canada to lead the NATO battalion be deployed in Latvia and he stressed the significance of long-term friendly relations between Latvia and Canada.


During the conversation with the Prime Minister of Canada, the President of Latvia welcomed solidarity and ability to change of the allies in the light of new security challenges. Raimonds Vējonis was confident that the presence of Canada, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Germany on the NATO’s Eastern flank would strengthen security of the entire Alliance.


Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau rated Latvia as a stable and responsible ally and expressed confidence that the battalion be deployed in Latvia would provide effect of deterrence on potential threats in the future. During the meeting with the President of Latvia, the Prime Minister of Canada affirmed that active work was undertaken to establish a multinational battalion in Latvia under leadership of Canada.


President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis participated in NATO Summit for Heads of State and Heads of Government in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, on July 8 and 9. Warsaw Summit would decide on deployment of multinational battalions of NATO forces in the Baltic States and Poland. Canada will be a frame nation of the battalion be deployed in Latvia, it will be the United Kingdom in Estonia, it will be Germany in Lithuania, and it will be the United States of America in Poland.


Warsaw Summit also made important decisions on NATO’s role and further action regarding fight against terrorism, control of illegal migration, closer cooperation between NATO and the European Union, the NATO mission in Afghanistan, and support to Ukraine and Georgia.


NATO is an alliance of 28 Member States, which are united by shared values ​​and common purpose to strengthen defensibility, to promote democracy, stability, and security beyond its borders. Latvia has been a NATO member since 2004.