Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents Egils Levits un Baltkrievijas Republikas demokrātisko spēku līdere Svjatlana Cihanouska

Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with the national leader of democratic Belarus Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya at the Riga Castle. President reiterated Latvia’s unwavering support for Belarusian people’s aspirations to become part of European and democratic world.

‘Belarus must become part of future Europe. We must continue supporting Belarusian civic society and help Belarusians in exile form a cohesive diaspora capable of fighting the ruling regime. Madam Tsikhanouskaya called Latvia a friend of Belarus and I confirmed that Belarusians can count on our continued support – we will fight together with Belarusian opposition for democracy in all of Europe, including, of course, Belarus,’ Egils Levits said.

European Union must continue and even expand the restrictive measures against Alexander Lukashenko’s regime, which is currently helping Russia wage unprovoked war against Ukraine, said President Levits. Latvia will use all international forums to condemn the brutal persecution and imprisonment of Belarusian opposition.

President of Latvia and national leader of democratic Belarus Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya discussed the success of Belarusian opposition in pushing Lukashenko’s regime back in Belarus and ways of consolidating Belarusian civic society around the world. Egils Levits referred to Latvia’s experience during Soviet occupation when Latvians in exile continued to work with international community, urging not to recognise occupation of Latvia and coordinating civic efforts through the World Federation of Free Latvians.

09.06.2022. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits tiekas ar Baltkrievijas Republikas nacionālo līderi Svjatlanu Cihanousku