Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents: Latviju un Kanādu vieno vislabākās iespējamās attiecības
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with the Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada Mr François-Philippe Champagne in the Riga Castle, discussing an extensive range of issues of bilateral and international relations.

President of Latvia, assessing the Latvian-Canadian cooperation, admitted, “we have the best possible bilateral relations”. The Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada upheld this assessment, underscoring the similar perspective of both countries on international relations and bilateral contacts.

F. Champagne emphasized that this was his fourth visit to Latvia and that he had had the opportunity to be present on the occasion when the Saeima voted on the ratification of EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement as well as EU-Canada Strategic Partnership Agreement. “Latvia was the first EU state to ratify these Agreements, and we appreciate that highly”, the Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada stated.

E. Levits used this opportunity to express gratitude to Canada for undertaking the obligations of NATO framework nation and Canada’s military presence in the Multinational Division Headquarters “North” in Ādaži. F. Champagne, in turn, said that the Canadian soldiers had the best opinion on their stay in Latvia and of the positive public attitude.

Both parties discussed also the cooperation between NATO and Ukraine as well as issues of the EU-Ukraine relations. E. Levits informed about the transfer of Latvia’s experience in the area of justice, etc. to Ukraine. Likewise, President of Latvia underscored that compliance with international law was one of Latvia’s foreign policy principles and that Latvia would continue its consistent support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity. F. Champagne stated that also Canada advocated global adherence to international law.

The conversation greatly focused on the issues of NATO strategic communication, highlighting the operations of the centre of excellence STRATCOM.

03.03.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar V. E. Kanādas ārlietu ministru Fransuā Filipu Šampaņu (H. E. Mr François-Philippe Champagne)