Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents interesējas par Latvijas tiesnešu zināšanu un prasmju pilnveides procesu
On 13 January, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with the representatives of Latvian Judicial Training Centre (LJTC) in the Riga Castle to discuss the skills enhancement and professional development of Latvian judges.

During the meeting, representatives of LJTC informed the President of Latvia that every year around 95% of all judges attend different training events offered by LJTC. Judges are currently interested in issues linked to the recent amendments in legislation, quality of judgements, cybercrime and e-evidence. Content of each year’s courses is adjusted according to wishes and needs expressed by judges. LJTC also explained to the President how judicial training courses are delivered, how content of each course is developed, how skills assessment of judges is organised and what are LJTC’s future plans.

President Levits acknowledged LJTC’s work over the previous 25 years and praised the idea to integrate supervision into curricula. Supervision includes assessment of judge’s personal experience and identification of further areas of professional development. Egils Levits also underlined that curricula should be enhanced with training on judicial management skills and workshops on formal application of law.

13.01.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar nodibinājuma “Latvijas Tiesnešu mācību centrs” pārstāvjiem