Edgars Rinkēvičs
04.02.2025. Valsts prezidents: tiesu varai ir būtiska loma Latvijas drošības stiprināšanā

On 4 February, President Edgars Rinkēvičs met with the President of the Supreme Court Aigars Strupišs at the Riga Castle. During the meeting, the parties discussed the work of the Latvian judiciary in 2024 and addressed current priorities of the Judicial Council. 

"The strengthening of Latvia’s security remains an unwavering priority in 2025, and the judiciary plays a crucial role in this regard. It is the courts that implement the legislature’s decisions on penal policy, ensuring the effective application of the Criminal Law to prevent harm to the state and public interests. It is equally important to continue to clarify court rulings, thereby reinforcing public trust in the rule of law and judicial fairness," said E. Rinkēvičs.

The President of Latvia and the President of the Supreme Court also discussed efforts to enhance the independence and efficiency of the judiciary, including the contribution of the newly established Justice Academy to advancing the professional education of judges, prosecutors, and court officials

04.02.2025. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Augstākās tiesas priekšsēdētāju Aigaru Strupišu