Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents uzdod divu mēnešu laikā pilnveidot priekšlikumus enerģētiskās drošības stiprināšanai
“The Energy Safety Commission must continue working and must improve the proposals for strengthening energy safety in Latvia within two months,” stated President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis when meeting with the members of the Energy Safety Commission in the Riga Castle on Wednesday, November 29.

The President of Latvia emphasised that the proposals should reflect a comprehensive view of various issues related to Latvia’s energy safety and their impact on the long-term development of the country.

“The Commission should submit a proposal on how to improve energy policy, in line with the strategic interests of entire society and the state. The need to strengthen Latvia's energy safety and to promote the growth of the national economy and the well-being of the population should be taken into account,” stressed the President of Latvia. He also pointed out that raising awareness of the public on activities of the Commission was important for it.

On Wednesday, the Commission reported on its analysis of the current energy policy and its results and working on proposals for improving the same.

The Energy Safety Commission was established on 29 April 2016 and is chaired by Mr Juris Ozoliņš, an energy expert and former Minister of Energy. The Commission consists of energy expert Reinis Āboltiņš, Advisor at the International Relations and Communications Department of the Bank of Latvia Andris Strazds, CEO of JSC Augstsprieguma tīkls Varis Boks, Member of the Board of the Latvian Association of Energy Companies Edgars Vīgants and energy expert Jānis Reķis.