Raimonds Vējonis
“I wish to see Latvia and its entrepreneurs green and modern. They would care about the future of the country; they would be creative and brave enough to dare offering innovative products and solutions to the entire world,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis in his speech at the event of Swedish Business Awards 2016.


He stressed that digital technology, innovation, and sustainable production where driving force nowadays, which also meant new values ​​and understanding of green thinking. “In the long-run, producing natural/organic products, creating a cleaner environment around us and finding new solutions in the field of energy are both economically viable and socially responsible,” said Raimonds Vējonis.


The President of Latvia wished the achievements of the award-winning companies inspired more and more Latvian people to establish their own businesses, thus promoting economic growth of Latvia, public welfare and so that Latvia would become even greener.


Raimonds Vējonis stressed that the award established by the Embassy of Sweden to Latvia and the Swedish Trade and Invest Council was an opportunity for the companies operating in Latvia to receive recognition of the progress made, but for the public it was an opportunity to learn about the progress made due to successful cooperation.