Egils Levits
Valsts prezidenta Jūrmalas rezidencē notiks diskusija par Latvijas interesēm un iespējām ANO saistībā ar organizācijas 75. gadskārtu
On Monday, 27 July, at 10:00 a discussion will take place at the Jūrmala Residence of the President of Latvia (Jūrmala, Z. Meierovica prospekts 31) focusing on Latvia’s contribution to the United Nations Organisation.

In honour of the 75th anniversary of the UN, member states of the European Union are holding active discussions on multilateralism. This is especially important for Latvia as it has entered its candidacy for the post of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (SC) in the 2025 elections.

The discussion will be opened from 10:00 until 11:00 with opening remarks by President of Latvia Egils Levits and Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkēvičs. The study “Latvia’s interests and opportunities as a non-permanent member of the UN SC” by Director of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs Kārlis Bukovskis will be presented, followed by a discussion with representatives of NGOs – Director of Union LAPAS Inese Vaivare, Director of the Civic Alliance-Latvia Kristīne Zonberga – and the Latvian youth delegates to the UN: Kristiāna Plāte, Natālija Knipše and Oto Davidovs.

At 11:30 there will be a workshop “On Latvia’s contribution to the UN: towards candidacy in the 2025 SC election”.

The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members (USA, UK, France, Russia and China) and 10 non-permanent members elected by the UN General Assembly, based on a regional division. Latvia is a member in the Easter Europe group of countries, which is allocated one seat on the Security Council. Latvia has never been on the Security Council and will run for election to the position in the 2025 election.

Media attendance: media representatives wishing to cover the event are kindly requested to apply by 24 July, 16:00 by e-mail to, indicating their name, surname, personal identification number and represented media outlet. A personal identification document (passport or ID card) will have to be presented at the entrance. In case of queries, please contact Head of the Media Centre of the President of Latvia Justīne Deičmane by telephone +371 67092123 or e-mail


Media programme

10:00–11:00 – Opening of the discussion. Media opportunities: photo, video at the start and during the event,  interviews possible until 11:30.

11:30 – Workshop. Media opportunities: photo, video at the start of the event.