Egils Levits
Sarunas dalībnieki Rīgas pils Baltajā zālē

President of Latvia Egils Levits and members of the Historical Latvian Lands Development Council met at the Riga Castle on 21 February to exchange thoughts on strengthening of historical Latvian lands and local culture spheres.

‘The purpose and the essence of the Historical Latvian Lands Law is defined in Satversme, i.e., ‘the State of Latvia has been established by uniting historical Latvian lands’. Our constitution established the intrinsic link between land, nation, people and their specific cultural and historical identity. Soviet regime used occupation to flatten and downplay the historic depth of Latvianness. Historical Latvian Lands Development Council has the mission to reveal the historic depth of Latvian State and people in all its richness, ensure diversity in Latvianness, make our cultural and historical identity stronger across historic regions and local communities,’ President of Latvia underlined as he opened the meeting.

It is our duty to pass the Latvianness to next generations with all cultural and historical depth and diversity they represent, President explained. Latvia must produce a sustainable policy, ensuring consistent national and local support, including funding, for building more sustainable cultural and historical environments. According to Egils Levits, central and local governments should work together with NGOs and local communities on achieving that.


Historical Latvian Lands Law, initiated by President of Latvia Egils Levits, came to force on 1 July 2021. The purpose of the law is to strengthen the collective awareness, identity and sense of belonging among communities in historical Latvian lands, while also ensuring continuity and sustainable development of cultural and historical spheres in historical Latvian lands.

Historical Latvian Lands Development Council is an advisory body  whose mission is to coordinate cooperation and decision-making mechanisms of state and local governments to ensure continuity and sustainable development of the identities and cultural and historical spheres of historical Latvian lands. Council shall coordinate and promote coherent policies and support instruments for continuity and sustainable development of the identities and cultural and historical spheres of historical Latvian lands, determine and monitor the implementation and assessment of policy priorities, and delivery of historical Latvian lands and cultural spheres development plans. One of Council’s tasks is to propose activities strengthening and promoting historical Latvian lands and their cultural spheres, evaluate activities proposed by other actors, provide recommendations on regulations and planning documents required to make progress in these areas.

21.02.2023. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits Rīgas pilī tiekas ar Latviešu vēsturisko zemju attīstības padomi