Egils Levits
Sarunas dalībnieki ap galdu Rīgas pils Ģerboņu zālē

On 9 May the President of Latvia Egils Levits met with the Director of the National Library of Latvia (LNL) Andris Vilks and the library team, highly appreciating the LNL event series "Latvian Book 500".

The series of events is a variety of activities created by the LNL over several years in Riga and the regions of Latvia, as well as internationally to celebrate important periods, personalities and events in Latvian bookmaking. The year 2025 will be particularly significant, when Latvian-language book publishing will celebrate its quincentenary.

"The quincentenary of book publishing is the quincentenary of the development of the Latvian nation's language and thought, the quincentenary of the creation of ideas. Thank you for your work in setting up the programme and implementing the first projects." E. Levits thanked the staff of the LNL.

Discussing the international dimension of the series of events, the possibilities of Latvia's representation at book fairs abroad, especially at the Frankfurt Book Fair, were noted. The website has also been launched, where information on the quincentenary of Latvian book publishing is available in Latvian, English and German.

The work on the National Encyclopaedia was also discussed, emphasizing that is in constant development - the content of its sections is constantly being improved and technological solutions developed.

09.05.2023. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits Rīgas pilī tiekas ar Latvijas Nacionālās bibliotēkas pārstāvjiem, latviešu grāmatniecības piecsimtgadei veltītā notikumu cikla “Latviešu grāmatai 500” veidotājiem