The central work of the donation is encyclical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised) that is devoted to the care of our common home, the planet Earth, including a deep view into a person, aspects of his or her life and work. The central question of this encyclical sounds like that, “What kind of world do we want to pass on to those who will live after us, growing up children?”
In its turn, apostolic incentive “Evangelii Gaudium” (Gospel of Joy) is called the Pope’s Francis Action Program and tells of the mission of the Roman Catholic Church in the modern world.
Apostolic incentive “Amoris Laetitia” (Rejoicing Love) offers the reflections of Pope Francis on family and marriage facing the challenges of our time.
Apostolic incentive “Gaudete et exsultete” (Rejoice and Exult) is the papal invitation to every person to follow the sacred path in his or her most straightforward daily actions.
During the pastoral visit, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis and His Holiness Pope Francis also exchanged official gifts. Pope Francis presented a mosaic “Mater Ecclesiae” (Mother of the Church) to the President of Latvia, while the Livonian Chronicle of Henry in a very special and artistic binding became the official gift of Latvia to His Holiness Pope Francis.