09.05.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Gulbenes novadā

On 9 May, marking Europe Day, President Edgars Rinkēvičs paid a working visit to the Gulbene Municipality. At the outset of his visit, E. Rinkēvičs met with the municipality's leadership and participated in a discussion with active youth representatives at the youth centre "Bāze". Additionally, the President visited the Gulbene Municipality Library and the Europe Direct Centre. In Jaungulbene, he visited the social care centre "Jaungulbenes Alejas". President Rinkēvičs got acquainted with the current business affairs and future development plans of entrepreneurs by visiting the companies "Avoti" Ltd. and "Dimdiņi" Ltd. in Lizums parish. At the conclusion of the working visit, the President of Latvia met with the local residents and journalists. 

"Today in Gulbene I had the opportunity to witness how the leadership, residents and entrepreneurs of the municipality are making the most of the opportunities provided by the European Union, such as transferring expertise and drawing on European Union funds, to advance the development of the municipality and enhance the quality of life of its residents. Young people are engaged in various cooperation projects, and the quality of services for residents is being enhanced. The region is developing, as evidenced by the number of urban development projects currently underway, as well as by the plans and visions shared by entrepreneurs of Gulbene Municipality," said President Edgars Rinkēvičs. 

During his visit to the Gulbene municipality library, the President of Latvia was given an overview of the library's collection and services, met with the staff, and visited the Europe Direct Information Centre, where he voted on his most important values of the European Union (EU). The Europe Direct Information Centre offers the wider public a readily accessible source of information on the EU's various activities.

Later, at the social care centre "Jaungulbenes Alejas", President Rinkēvičs met with senior citizens, employees and doctors of the centre, and observed music therapy and social rehabilitation classes.

In Lizums parish the President of Latvia was introduced to the activities of Latvia’s leading solid wood furniture manufacturing company SIA "Avoti" and vegetable growing and processing company SIA "Dimdiņi".

At the conclusion of his working visit, President Edgars Rinkēvičs met with the residents of Gulbene Municipality, answering their questions and giving an interview to the local newspaper.

09.05.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Gulbenes novadā