Raimonds Vējonis
“Our people and knowledge are our treasure. Latvia’s ambition in the coming years is to become Data Driven Nation, which will be able to create smart technologies by increasing the availability and use of data and developing innovations. These technologies will determine the development of countries over the next decades,” stressed President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis when opening the National Day of Latvia at the international exhibition, Expo Astana 2017, in Kazakhstan on 9 July 2017.  Raimonds Vējonis stated that visitors of the exhibition could be acquainted with the natural treasures of Latvia, the green energy, and our ability to create high added value at the Latvia’s Pavilion “Meeting point Latvia. Energy is in our nature”. 


“Nowadays, the ability to think and act quickly and creatively and to seek new solutions is not only an opportunity but also an obligation for joining our efforts in combating challenges such as climate change and cybersecurity. The future of Latvia is associated with the digitisation of the economy and the increasing use of new technologies in the national economy. High technology will be the main driving force behind the energy generation in the future,” said the President of Latvia. He indicated that the Expo Astana embodied the energy that emerged from people meeting, exchanging their views and new ideas, and being inspired for setting new goals and development.


In his address, he emphasised that Kazakhstan was Latvia’s largest trading partner in the region, as we saw a gradual and steady increase in the export and import turnover between both countries. Kazakhstan has remarkable advantages like the developed infrastructure and the link with China and its closest neighbouring countries in Central Asia. In its turn, Latvia serves as a bridge to the wider North European region.


During opening of the National Day, the Latvian flag was lifted on the main stage of the EXPO Astana while our national anthem was performed. The President of Latvia visited the pavilions of Latvia and Kazakhstan.


The Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LTRK) and the Commissioner for EXPO Astana 2017 Mr Jānis Endziņš, representatives from state-owned JSC Latvijas dzelzceļš (Latvian Railway), the Freeport of Riga, the representatives from export support movement The Red Jackets and others joined President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis during the events.


The EXPO 2017 is held from 10 June to 10 September 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. It is expected that approximately 2 to 5 million people will visit the exhibition. The theme of EXPO Astana 2017 is “Future Energy”, whereas the leading motive of the Latvia’s pavilion is Energy is in our nature.