Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents: izstāde “Latvijas gadsimts” ir patiess stāsts par mums, kādi un kādēļ mēs esam šodien
“The exhibition “Latvia’s Century” is a real, true story about us, what we are, and why we are today. It enables us to shape our future both by learning from the mistakes made in the past and being inspired by the ideals of the past, and nourishing the most precious treasure in our hearts and our minds, the freedom of Latvia,” emphasised President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis.

The President of Latvia noted that this largest exhibition dedicated to the history of our country and created by the joint efforts of so many museums and residents was a wonderful gift on the birthday of Latvia’s statehood.

“I am pleased that the centenary of Latvia has been able to bring so many museums and fans of history together in sharing the story of our country to everybody else,” stated Raimonds Vējonis.

The exhibition “Latvia’s Century” is a joint project of 68 museums for the centenary of Latvia. In total, it displays 1,500 outstanding historical records that have been preserved in the museums of Latvia.