Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents: Ikvienai pašvaldībai jātiecas pēc stabilas ekonomiskās attīstības
“Latvia requires stable and economically developed local governments. Therefore, each local government must continue to strengthen the business environment and follow the various stages of the economic development cycle, which affect both Latvia and entire Europe and the world,”

noted President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis when meeting with Chairperson of Cesvaine Regional Council Mr Vilnis Špats and the Councillors, heads of local government and public authorities.

The President paid a regional working visit to Cesvaine Region on 8 February 2019. During his visit, the President of Latvia visited the Cesvaine Secondary School and met with the teachers and students of that school. In the Cesvaine Centre for Children and Youth, the President of Latvia had an informal conversation with the most active young people in the Cesvaine Region about their ability to obtain education outside Cesvaine in the nearest future and to return to their native region with that knowledge acquired to build a stable and economically developed local government.

Dairy, woodworking, peat processing, and agriculture companies are the most stable and the most successful in the region. In order to understand the challenging issues that the entrepreneurs face in the Cesvaine Region and their possible solutions, the President of Latvia and entrepreneurs discussed the current events in commerce. In its turn, the President of Latvia familiarised with the operations of the Cesvaine Brewery of Ducimus Ltd. and JSC Cesvaines piens in person.

When visiting the Cesvaine Castle, which is one of the most outstanding architectural monuments and historical and cultural testimonies in Latvia, the President of Latvia was acquainted with the reconstruction process of the Castle and the museum exposition.

During the visit, the President of Latvia also visited the Cesvaine Radio and Television Station of SJSC Latvian State Radio and Television Centre, and he visited the dwelling house of the Graši Foundation Village for Children, where he met the children living there.