Foreign policy Edgars Rinkēvičs
11.09.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Eiropas Savienības komisāru tieslietu jautājumos Didjē Reindersu (Didier Reyenders)

On 11 September, President Edgars Rinkēvičs met with the European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reyenders to discuss Russia's responsibility for the crimes committed against Ukraine, as well as the priorities of the Latvian presidency of the Council of Europe. The meeting took place in the margins of the Informal Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Council of Europe in Riga.

President Rinkēvičs emphasised that Latvia's presidency of the Council of Europe was particularly focused on supporting Ukraine and holding Russia accountable for its crimes. "It is very important to launch a Register of Damage to document the enormous damage caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Such a register is an important step towards an international compensation mechanism. At the same time, in the current geopolitical situation, it is essential to strengthen democracy and the rule of law," said E. Rinkēvičs.

The President of Latvia also participated in the Informal Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Council of Europe in Riga. In his address, E. Rinkēvičs expressed his appreciation to the Council of Europe for the launch of the special Register of Damage caused to Ukraine and invited the countries that have not yet done so to join the register as a sign of solidarity and support for Ukraine.


11.09.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Eiropas Savienības komisāru tieslietu jautājumos Didjē Reindersu (Didier Reyenders)
11.09.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča dalība Eiropas Padomes tieslietu ministru neformālajā konferencē “Ceļā uz taisnīgumu Ukrainai”