Edgars Rinkēvičs Regional visits
28.06.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Aizkraukles novadā

On 28 June, the President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs visited the Aizkraukle region on a working visit. During the working visit, the President of Latvia met with the management of Aizkraukle municipality, and in Skrīveri he met with representatives of the Latvian Union of Agronomists and the Research Institute of Agronomy, which is a structural unit of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. “The work done by agronomists in Latvia and their contribution to the selection of field crops is a treasure hitherto unappreciated properly, and it moreover holds immense potential for the Latvian economy. It is also wonderful to see the Latvian Union of Agronomists promoting the importance of agricultural education among young farmers,” the President of Latvia said.

During his visit to Aizkraukle region, President Rinkēvičs was acquainted with the operations of the Pļaviņas Hydroelectric Station. Furthermore, during the visit, the President of Latvia met with the management team of AS “Virši-A”, an energy retailer and convenience store chain, and in Daudzese parish the President visited the “Ziediņi” farm. Concluding the visit in Nereta parish, the President of Latvia visited “Riekstiņi”, a museum dedicated to writer Jānis Jaunsudrabiņš.

“It was a true pleasure to visit Aizkraukle today, where the regions of Vidzeme, Zemgale and Selija meet. Aizkraukle region is a strategically significant hub of national and regional importance, thanks to the largest electricity plant in Latvia – the Pļaviņas Hydroelectric Station. The Pļaviņas HES plays a crucial role in production of green energy, as well as ensuring energy supply security of the Baltic States. I believe that it is equally important that the residents and businesses of Aizkraukle region have access to transport infrastructure, education and culture, that the cultural and historical heritage and traditions be preserved. The natural and energy resources of the Daugava going had in hand with well-considered development of industrial territories, agriculture and forestry are the foundation for broader development of the Aizkraukle region in future,” President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs said after the visit.

During the visit, the President also visited the Selonia Military Training Ground, currently under development. “The creation of the Selonia Military Training Ground is one of the main tasks of the defence sector. It is Latvia’s contribution to the security of the region and an important homework to be completed for us as the host country to support our NATO allies, who are set to significantly increase their presence in Latvia. The Selonia Military Training Ground will also be important in raising national defence capabilities and furthering the development of the National Armed Forces. Therefore, I expect active work to be done by the Ministry of Defence, the National Armed Forces and all stakeholders. I expect all work to be done without undue delays and that all the commitments Latvia has undertaken in regard to its allies will be completely fulfilled,” the President of Latvia stressed.

28.06.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Aizkraukles novadā