Foreign policy Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents Romā pārrunā Latvijas un Itālijas starpparlamentāro sadarbību

Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits, who is currently in Italy with official visit, met with Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, President of the Senate of Italy, and Roberto Fico, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy. Meeting focused on bilateral cooperation and interparliamentary relations between Latvia and Italy.

Egils Levits praised the fruitful cooperation and good relations between Latvia and Italy as both countries mark 100 years since Italy recognised Latvia de iure. President of Latvia specifically thanked Isabella Rauti for attending Latvia’s centennial celebrations and bringing parliamentary friendship group chaired by her to Latvia in 2018, and thus reinvigorating the parliamentary cooperation.

President hopes that dialogue between parliamentary friendship groups and commissions will be renewed as soon as our countries have brought pandemic to manageable levels. He also emphasised the importance of bringing the focus back on the agenda of parliamentary cooperation networks created by European Union and NATO.

President stressed that relations between the countries are good. He thanked Italy for its enormous role in reinforcing Latvia’s security through participation in NATO eFP battle group Latvia, Baltic Air-Policing mission and NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence.

Officials also exchanged views about the Conference on the Future of Europe inaugurated on Europe Day on 9 May this year. President of Latvia, President of the Senate and President of the Chamber of Deputies all agreed that it is important to hear citizens views on how European Union should structure its future development. They also agreed that conference should yield tangible results and real improvements.

Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits also met with President of Italy’s Constitutional Court Giancarlo Coraggio. Meeting focused on current European constitutional law priorities and cooperation between the Latvian and Italian constitutional courts in the framework of the European cooperation network.

President of Latvia discusses parliamentary cooperation between Italy and Latvia in Rome