Raimonds Vējonis
“Latvia is a modern and strong country that continues its path to growth. In the last 25 years, Latvia has been able to become a medium-wealthy country. In order to become a prosperous country and not to stop developing, education is and will be a decisive factor. Therefore, I call for faster and more decisive decisions and changes to improve the education system,” stressed the President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis on Wednesday, 27 September 2017, at the Economic Conference hosted by the Bank of Latvia “Education: From Mediocrity to Excellence”.


The President of Latvia noted that education is the foundation of every person's values and beliefs. It opens up opportunities and new horizons, allows to create changes and shape the future. Therefore, everyone should have access to high-quality education regardless of his or her place of residence, income, or social status.


“High-quality education is the only path to a strong state and a strong, consolidated society in the future. Educational content must be adapted to tomorrow’s challenges. At the same time, ever changing modern world requires that each of us develops continuously, acquire new knowledge and new skills throughout our lives,” emphasised Raimonds Vējonis.