Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents: strādājot pie stratēģijas izejai no krīzes, nepieciešama starpnozaru sadarbība un dialogs ar nevalstisko sektoru
President of Latvia Egils Levits discussed government’s progress in drafting Covid-19 lockdown exit strategy in a video call with Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš today. Strategy is one of the topics of discussion at today’s Cabinet of Ministers meeting.

According to Prime Minister Kariņš, strategy that has already gone through a round of intensive expert-level consultations will focus on two main dimensions – virus control and economic recovery. Strategy will offer various scenarios to different sectors based on health and safety considerations.

President Levits stressed: ‘It is important for Cabinet of Ministers, all responsible ministers and government departments, various agencies and organisations to work in close collaboration across sectors and form dialogue with representatives of various sectors and non-governmental actors in drafting and implementation of lockdown exit strategy in practice. There is no better way to achieve as successful economic recovery and return to normal public life in a safe way for health and economy as possible than by everyone working together in a well-coordinated manner.’

President Levits and Prime Minister Kariņš also discussed European Commission’s proposal for multiannual financial framework (MFF) of the European Union (EU), which will soon be presented to member states, and the relevant debate among the member states. Egils Levits and Krišjānis Kariņš expressed their satisfaction about consensus among most member states on the need to support economic recovery from the impact of Covid-19 crisis without losing the focus on the so-called European Green Deal, which is one of EU’s future development perspectives.

28.04.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tiešsaistes tikšanās ar Ministru prezidentu Krišjāni Kariņu