Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents Alsungā turpinās diskusiju ciklu par latviešu vēsturiskajām zemēm
On Tuesday, 28 July, President of Latvia Egils Levits will visit Alsunga and Kuldīga to continue the cycle of visits to Latvian cultural historical lands and discussions about identity issues prior to submitting a legislative initiative to the Saeima.

With visiting Alsunga and Kuldīga President Levits is continuing the discussion cycle about Latvian cultural historical lands ahead of submitting a presidential legislative initiative to the Saeima, planned for this autumn. Therefore, the President of Latvia will participate in a discussion on the identity and development of the cultural space of the suiti people, which will take place at the Alsunga Culture Centre. The President of Latvia will also visit the “Suitu ķēķis” historical heritage centre at Alsunga.

In Kuldīga, President Levits will meet with representatives of the Kuldīga District Council and entrepreneurs, and will also visit the “Restoration Centre”. The President will conclude his visit with a tour of Kabile Manor.

Media programme

9:45 – President of Latvia Egils Levits arrives at historical heritage centre “Suitu ķēķis”. Media opportunities: photo, video. Alsunga, Skolas iela 11A

10:45 – President of Latvia Egils Levits takes part in discussion “Identity and development of the suiti cultural space”. Media opportunities: photo, video, short interviews possible. Alsunga Culture Centre

13:15 – President of Latvia Egils Levits arrives at Kuldīga District Council. Media opportunities: photo, video. Kuldīga District Council

13:30 – President of Latvia Egils Levits meets with entrepreneurs of Kuldīga District. Media opportunities: photo, video, short interviews possible. Kuldīga District Council

17:05 – President of Latvia Egils Levits visits the Kuldīga “Restoration Centre”. Media opportunities: photo, video. Kuldīga, Baznīcas iela 30

19:00 – President of Latvia Egils Levits visits Kabile Manor. Media opportunities: photo, video. Kabile Manor