Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents sveic ģenerālprokuroru J. Stukānu pirmajā darba dienā jaunajā amatā
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with Prosecutor General Juris Stukāns in the Riga Castle. Egils Levits congratulated Mr Stukāns on starting the new job. The Prosecutor General Stukāns presented his vision as the new head and indicated necessary improvements in the office’s work.

‘I wish you best of luck in your new position. I hope you will make your ambitious vision come true for Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO),’ said President Levits to the new Prosecutor General.

Egils Levits asked the new head about various sides of PGO’s work and Juris Stukāns’ vision of how PGO could improve its performance. President also asked Prosecutor General about human resource management and filling of existing vacancies for public prosecutors, as well as thematic training for prosecutors. Meeting also focused on future cooperation between PGO and State Police. President and Prosecutor General also exchanged views on how to make Office of the Prosecutor Law more efficient.

Other topics of the meeting included the new European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) and Latvia’s participation and obligations towards it. Egils Levits and Juris Stukāns both agreed that Latvia must make active contribution to EPPO’s work and find appropriate funding for that.

13.07.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar ģenerālprokuroru Juri Stukānu