Raimonds Vējonis
“Local governments as the nearest state power to the residents have always been one of cornerstones of our national development. Our country is on the way of continuous improvement and there are still many tasks to be accomplished. Thank you that local governments with their work continue to be a part of the solution thereto,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis when congratulating local governments at the 27th Congress of the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments.  


When addressing heads and employees of local governments, the President of Latvia especially noted the required reforming in education.


“High-quality education is the biggest opportunity fro Latvia. Prosperity and sustainability of our country depend on how educated our people are. Every child and young person in Latvia must have the chance to master high-quality education, regardless of where he or she was born and who his or her parents are.” stressed the President of Latvia. Raimonds Vējonis drew attention to the worrying and increasing inequality in the quality of education and the trend of the segregating quality of education in rural areas and in urban areas that might cause weak development in regions and lack of human resources in national economy as a whole.


“Structural reforms in education, that is, competitive and predictable wages of teachers, modern learning content and infrastructure, arrangements of the network of schools, shall address the existing gaps in the education system,” said the President of Latvia and reminded that the opportunities to implement required reforms and their content would largely depend also on local governments.


The President of Latvia called on local governments to use the centenary anniversary of our state to be proud with the achievements, people and success stories of Latvia, as well as to enable every person to participate in both celebrations and organizing of the celebrations. The President of Latvia proposed everyone to think about his or her gift to Latvia on the occasion of its centenary.


“Let us use the preparations for the celebrations for setting forth new goals. While preparing for the celebrations, we will manage some quite practical tasks. For example, we can bestow friendly local government to our population by improving the services provided to population and making communication with the local government more convenient,” mentioned Raimonds Vējonis.


The President of Latvia wished the local governments to be constructive and co-operative, while assessing progress, setting new objectives, discussing challenges and potential solutions for the reforming in the education system, urgent matters in healthcare system, road sector and other issues being of importance to the population at the 27th Congress of the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments.


While celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, Raimonds Vējonis invited to use the jubilee year of the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments in order to strengthen representation of local government interests and finding the best ways to address common challenges purposefully.