In his congratulatory speech Egils Levits said: ‘Dear pupils, teachers and graduates of Dārziņskola, 75 years is a time span of three generations. For three generations already Emīls Dārziņš Secondary School of Music has been unearthing the best musical talents in Latvia. It is not an easy task. It requires an eye for talent, the ability to spot exceptional qualities in young musicians. It also requires teachers to be able to guide young talents into the world of music and show them that mundane everyday practice several times a week or day can also be fun and worth the time that is taken away from other childhood pastimes. Gradually students of Dārziņskola become grow into the local, European and global music scene. In my opinion this makes Emīls Dārziņš Secondary School absolutely special. Without it the music scene in Latvia and Europe would not be as colourful as we know it. This school has made a good name for itself, it is a brand that represents music and Latvia, and music and Latvia, as we know, are two pieces of the same pie. Congratulations on your milestone anniversary!’
Published: 16.10.2020.

Tonight, President of Latvia Egils Levits attended the 75th Anniversary Concert of Emīls Dārziņš Secondary School of Music in the Great Guild Hall. He congratulated school staff on this significant milestone and presented headmaster Iveta Dreiblate Presidential plaquette.