Foreign policy Edgars Rinkēvičs
25.09.2024. Baltijas valstu prezidentu tikšanās ar ANO ģenerālsekretāru Antoniu Gutērrešu

On 25 September, President Edgars Rinkēvičs, together with the Presidents of Estonia and Lithuania, met with United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres on the margins of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. During the meeting, they discussed Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East and the role of the UN role in addressing current challenges.

The President of Latvia called on the UN Secretary-General to uphold international law, to maintain support for Ukraine, and to work towards holding Russia and its officials accountable for their aggression and war crimes. Furthermore, E. Rinkēvičs urged the UN Secretary-General to continue calling for the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders.

The President expressed his support for the efforts of the UN and the Secretary-General to resolve the crisis in Gaza in order to prevent the further spread of violence and a humanitarian catastrophe in the region.

E. Rinkēvičs assured that Latvia is ready to play its part in addressing pressing challenges and promoting peace and security.

25.09.2024. ANO Ģenerālā asambleja Ņujorkā