Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents aicina stiprināt Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas biroja darbu
“Corruption reduces public trust in the state. It changes the value of the country into small change. A strong country is when its population has confidence therein. The country, where all employees of state administration, politicians, CEOs of state-owned enterprises work for the benefit of the state, society, and every single person.

The country, where officials act nationally and forward-thinking can justify any decision and explain it to the public,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis in his address at the festive ceremony marking the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia (KNAB) on October 12.

The President emphasised, “Corruption is one of the greatest threats to national security, because it weakens democratic state governance, hinders the development of the economy, undermines the trust of investors and partners. I call on the Saeima and the Cabinet of Ministers to strengthen the work of the KNAB in order to provide assurance to every resident of our country that corruption related crimes will be investigated professionally, quickly, and efficiently.”

The President of Latvia admitted that a part of the society, unfortunately, was still tolerant against corruption. Therefore, it should be remembered that fraud against the state turns against the state and the society in the long run, including bribe givers and bribe takers.

“The Latvia’s strength is openness and honesty towards ourselves and towards each other. Only when we are honest and open in the decision-making process and work selflessly to achieve the result, we can make our country better and facilitate the desire of people be a part of Latvia,” stated the President of Latvia, when he extended his gratitude to the staff of the KNAB for selfless work at the difficult times for the bureau itself and wished success to the new Head of the KNAB, Mr Jēkabs Straume.