Raimonds Vējonis
Latvian aims to intensify bilateral economic and political cooperation with the countries in Asia, confirmed President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis when meeting with the governors of India, Singapore, and Mongolia during the Asia - Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The President of Latvia said that the advantages of Latvia included favourable geographical location and the offer in the sector of transport, logistics, food industry, pharmaceuticals, and education.


“We identify great potential in cooperation with India, particularly in sectors like transport, logistics, information technology, education, and pharmaceuticals,” stated Raimonds Vējonis during his meeting with Vice President of India Mohammad Hamid Ansari. The President of Latvia emphasized significance of Riga as a regional centre that would enable development of cooperation of the Baltic States with India in terms of economic, cultural and diplomatic relations. Raimonds Vējonis and the Vice President of India mentioned the opportunities to develop bilateral business contacts and to promote tourism and scientific co-operation. Raimonds Vējonis pointed out that it was important that political contacts of both countries also became more intense by strengthening cooperation in international organizations.


During the meeting with President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, Raimonds Vējonis called for signing an intergovernmental agreement between Latvia and Mongolia to promote international air traffic between the two countries, which would be very important for both approximating the business communities of both countries and development of tourism links. An agreement on avoidance of double taxation between Latvia and Mongolia should also be signed as soon as possible. “Knowing that Mongolian young people are interested in studying in Latvia, it is necessary to intensify cooperation in education as well,” said Raimonds Vējonis. The President of Latvia invited his Mongolian counterpart to pay an official visit to Latvia.


During the meeting with Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong, the President of Latvia called on reviewing an opportunity to assign a non-resident Ambassador of Singapore to Latvia or an Honorary Consul to Latvia that would facilitate the relations between both countries significantly. “We wish to develop economic and political cooperation with Singapore, which is one of our major trading partners in Southeast Asia,” admitted Raimonds Vējonis. The President also invited President of Singapore Tony Tan Keng Yam to the celebrations of the Centenary of Latvia in 2018.


The Summit titled “ASEM 20 Years: a Partnership for the Future by Developing Connectivity” convened 51 Head of State and Head of Government from Europe and Asia, as well as the EU top officials. There are methods discussed how Europe and Asia could cooperate more efficiently in order to tackle current issues of economic growth and security.


ASEM was established in 1996 as Europe-Asia dialogue and cooperation forum. Every two years, ASEM Heads of State and Heads of Government meet for a summit to identify priorities for ASEM. These summits are held alternately in Asia and Europe.