Raimonds Vējonis
President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis sent congratulations to the annual meeting of the Chief Prosecutors, where he welcomed the tradition of the prosecutors to gather in a joint meeting annually to assess the progress made in a previous year and to set goals and objectives for a forthcoming year. 


The President of Latvia emphasised that the prosecutors’ work was of great importance in strengthening the rule of law in Latvia, therefore continuing the search for ways to make it more efficient and to increase public confidence in justice thereby were required.


“Field of the prosecutors’ work is wide and versatile, but the efficiency of the system is illustrated by complicated and voluminous cases, investigation of the grave and very grave crimes. The public and the media most often discuss those cases exactly. The investigation of such cases most frequently forms the basis of the total assessment of the prosecutor’s office work. I urge to look for solutions to improve progress in such cases,” stated Raimonds Vējonis.


The head of state also suggested moving forward a more active involvement of prosecutors in making a clearer and more transparent penal policy as one of the appointments this year. “Prosecutors have both an essential role in monitoring legitimacy and law enforcement, and also in shaping penal policy. The penalties imposed often make us raise questions about the stringency of law and justice,” outlined the President of Latvia.


Strengthening the capacity of the Prosecutor’s Office in the investigation of economic crime is of equal significance. “One must realise that the prosecutors’ work has a huge impact on ensuring the safety of legal environment and well-being of all people in Latvia. The cases investigated of high quality transferred for trial within a reasonable time enhance people’s trust in justice, remind of the inevitability of punishment, and strengthen confidence in the correctness of fair dealing,” highlighted the President of Latvia in his greeting to the annual meeting of the Chief Prosecutors.