Edgars Rinkēvičs
24.03.2025. Diskusija par enerģētikas nozares un rīcībpolitikas ilgtermiņa attīstību Latvijā

On 24 March, at the initiative of President Edgars Rinkēvičs, the third discussion on the long-term development of the energy sector was held at the Riga Castle. The discussion focused on the planning document prepared by the Ministry of Climate and Energy regarding the Latvia’s Energy Strategy 2050 (hereinafter – the Strategy).

"I hope that we can agree on a strategy that is not perfect, but good enough to initiate its implementation. Strategies, plans, and documents should not be an end in themselves, they must contribute to tangible results – a regionally competitive, secure, and accessible energy supply that supports our development. We must begin this work today. The implementation of the strategy must be aligned with the broader vision for the future of the Baltic energy sector. I also encourage fostering dialogue with local governments and dedicating time to informing the public. The time invested in addressing concerns and conducting explanatory work will pay off significantly in the long term," said President Rinkēvičs following the discussion.

During the discussion on the long-term development of Latvia's energy sector and policy, the Minister for Economics, representatives of parliamentary factions, and industry experts provided their insights on the draft strategy.

24.03.2025. Diskusija par enerģētikas nozares un rīcībpolitikas ilgtermiņa attīstību Latvijā