Raimonds Vējonis
“Latvian education system must be capable of training knowledgeable, internationally competitive pupils and students. Smart and capable young people are the cornerstone of national growth and future. In his or her turn, a motivated and achievement-oriented teacher is the key to achieve that goal,” stated President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis during a meeting with the Minister of Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis today, April 8.


The President of Latvia emphasized that education was a priority service to the public and solution of painful issues had not been sufficient so far in Latvia. “I expect a much more active and deliverables-based work from the new Minister of Education. Priorities of the sector must be tackled rapidly, including the issues of quality of education, improving learning environment and motivation among teachers,” said Raimonds Vējonis, and he also reminded of the mandate to provide a solution to establishment of high-quality general education institutions’ network and spatial mobility of learners given by the Saeima to the government.


Raimonds Vējonis drew attention of the Minister to the fact that the changes and improvements to be carried out in the education sector, including provision of the funding were urgent. “The situation when Latvia with 5.9% of GDP total government spending targeted to education is one of the leaders in the European Union in terms of the amount of money per student, but it is unable to agree on the remuneration of teachers for years, is incomprehensible,” stressed the President of Latvia.


For the state budget spending in education be more efficient, Raimonds Vējonis proposed to link it to the constant obligation entrusted by the President of Latvia to the Government to assess the base expenditure of the state budget so as to deliver better, national priorities and objectives appropriate, and more publicly understandable state budget spending.


During the meeting, the President of Latvia expressed support for the work started by the Ministry of Education and Science on development and introduction of a new, competence-based general education content. Nowadays, when the technology and the environment were experiencing rapid global growth, required knowledge, skills, and competencies should be significantly improved as well. Both officials agreed that a fast and successfully managed introduction of the new curriculum was required in Latvia.


At the conclusion of the meeting, the President of Latvia agreed with the Minister of Education and Science on a repeated meeting so that to discuss the progress and results of the introduced improvements in the education sector once again.