Egils Levits
Cildinājuma raksts Klotiņam

On 10 April, President of Latvia Egils Levits congratulated art historian, exceptional Latvian music expert and scholar, author of numerous books Dr. art. Arnolds Laimonis Klotiņš on his 87th birthday and awarded him the Certificate of Merit in recognition of Mr Klotiņš’ contribution to musicology and music history research.

Certificate of Merit presented by President Levits to Mr Klotiņš reads: ‘Your work in musicology and researching of music history, which we can appreciate through a number of significant scientific publications, has had a profound impact on how our people perceive music and relationship between culture, power and society during various periods of our history. You have educated and inspired your peers and also generations that followed. Your contribution to the Third Awakening,  especially as the Chair of the Popular Front of Latvia, is invaluable. Congratulations and all the best on your 87th birthday!’

Special ceremony honouring musicologist Arnolds Laimonis Klotiņš will take place when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.