Edgars Rinkēvičs
26.09.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča un Ordeņu kapitula pirmā sēde

President Edgars Rinkēvičs has approved the composition of the Chapter of Orders in accordance with Article 42 of the National Orders and Decorations Law.

Lieutenant General (ret.) Raimonds Graube, Commander of the Grand Cross of the Order of Viesturs, Chairman of the Board of the National Defence and Patriotism Foundation ‘Namejs’, has been invited and appointed as the Chancellor of the Chapter of Orders.

The following have been invited and appointed as members of the Chapter of Orders: Normunds Bergs Knight of the Order of the Three Stars, chairman of the board of the company ‘SAF Tehnika’; Gunda Vaivode, Knight of the Order of the Three Stars, director of Latvian Radio 3 ‘Klasika’, musicologist; Brigadier General (ret.) Jānis Kažociņš, Grand Officer of the Order of the Three Stars, Commander of the Grand Cross of the Order of Viesturs, Commander of the Grand Cross of the Cross of Appreciation; Jānis Sārts, Commander of the Order of Viesturs, Director of the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence; Inga Skujiņa, Officer of the Cross of Recognition, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the Kingdom of Denmark; Dina Gailīte, Officer of the Cross of Recognition, Editor-in-Chief of ‘Jurista Vārds’ magazine, lawyer.

In accordance with the procedure laid down in the National Orders and Decorations Law, Chapter of orders is composed of the Chancellor who must be a holder of at least one of the highest state decorations and six members: two recipients of the Order of Three Stars, two holders of the Order of Viesturs and two recipients of the Cross of Recognition. Chancellor and members of the Chapter of Orders must hold Latvian citizenship. The Chancellor and the members of the Chapter of Orders shall be appointed by the President of the Republic for the duration of his term of office.

The Chapter of Orders, as a collegial body established and functioning on the basis of the law since 7 April 2004, in compliance with the National Orders and Decorations Law and the traditions of State awards, shall manage the affairs of State awards, examine the proposals submitted for the State awards and other matters provided for by the Law on Orders and Decorations. The Chapter of Orders is composed of specialists and representatives of various fields and professions, who work without remuneration.