Raimonds Vējonis
President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis admitted that versatile agricultural companies should be developed in Latvia that could both successfully operate in conventional sectors of agriculture and offer new products and services more and more during his meeting with entrepreneurs and councillors of local municipality while on his regional visit to Tērvete on Tuesday.


During the visit, the President of Latvia visited joint stock company “Agrofirma Tērvete”, which was the biggest employer due to its big farm, a biogas plant and a brewery in Tērvete region. Raimonds Vējonis also visited farm Strazdi, which developed top-quality hospitality services in a hotel and a restaurant in addition to the conventional production of grain. The President of Latvia indicated that versatility exactly was conducive to the development in the dynamic world and rapidly changing market conditions.


“Fertile soil of Zemgale and Tērvete region has always ensured the prosperity of the people who loved, understood, and cared for it. Traditional products, due to which we recognise Tērvete, can be produced in a modern way by introducing new technologies and efficiently taking care of the environment and the responsible use of resources at the same time,” outlined Raimonds Vējonis. 


The President of Latvia stressed that Latvian regions were the place for businesses of different types and sizes in a meeting with the owner of the pharmacy opened in Augstkalne in November, Iveta Ludviga having appreciated the courage of the young entrepreneur when moving from the capital to Tērvete region. 


During his visit to two schools of Tērvete region, Augstkalne Secondary School and Anna Brigadere Primary School, the President of Latvia reminded that providing high quality education to every pupil in Latvia should be a national priority and that it was important for the students themselves to engage in the meeting of that objective actively and responsibly themselves. 


“Energy inherent to young people, high-quality education, and a choice of occupation complying with the interests are the path to success,” said Raimonds Vējonis when addressing pupils of Augstkalne Secondary School.


During the visit, the President of Latvia also visited Tērvete Nature Park, which attracted more and more visitors from Latvia, Lithuania and other countries year by year.