Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents ar skolu vadību Rēzeknes “Zeimuļā” runā par kompetencēs balstītu izglītību un medijpratību
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with school administrators from Rēzekne and its region to discuss skills-based learning curricula School2030, informal education and school reform. Discussion took place at Zeimuls, Centre of Creative Services of Eastern Latvia in scope of President Levits’ regional visit to Rēzekne.

One of the key topics was implementation of skills-based learning approach in schools. Advantage of this approach is that it enhances pupil’s cognitive capacity and critical thinking through interdisciplinary classroom activities. It was also noted that teachers need additional support and methodological guidance on how to implement skills-based approach.

Another key topic of discussion was integration of media literacy into various subjects. Teachers have been very active and done an excellent job preparing their own media literacy lesson plans.

President of Latvia asked administrators about regional studies and Latgalian lessons that are offered as elective course in Latgale. School administrators admitted that there is a need to encourage greater interest in learning Latgalian. President of Latvia underlined that before discussion at Gors and this meeting with educators he asked all participants, especially young people, to speak Latgalian.

Participants from Polish Secondary School and Rēzekne 6th Secondary School told how education in official language is being delivered in their schools since transition in 1993.

Role of Zeimuls in promoting creative activities for children and young people under 25 was mentioned as one of the positive examples of informal education.

25.09.2020. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits aizvada sarunu ar Rēzeknes pilsētas un novada skolu vadību par aktuālajiem izglītības tematiem un programmu “Skola2030”