Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents un Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisija: arī krīzes laikā jāsaglabā ES vērtības un tiesiskums
President of Latvia Egils Levits continued the series of video calls with parliamentary commissions today by holding a virtual meeting with members of the Saeima European Affairs Committee (EAC). Meeting focused on Europe’s fight against the spread of Covid-19 virus, including response coordination at the European Union (EU) level and potential scenarios for economic recovery after the crisis.

Participants of the meeting agreed that EU values and rule of law must prevail over current challenges. President of Latvia and members of the EAC exchanged opinions on responsibility-sharing among the EU institutions and member states. It was underlined that Europe needs smart and effective recovery. It is important to build on EU’s political guidelines, such as the so-called European Green Deal and Digital Agenda, when planning post-crisis investments into most promising sectors. Commenting on Europe’s solidarity during the crisis, Egils Levits stressed: ‘30 years have passed since regaining of independence, everyone should be aware of our shared responsibility for the Union.’

Commenting on domestic situation, President Levits underlined further need to improve horizontal cooperation between government departments and ensure better application of principles inscribed in the preamble of the Constitution (Satversme), i.e. make sure Latvia acts as a socially responsible state.

Participants also discussed current cooperation between Baltic countries and President Levits confirmed that all three Baltic presidents maintain close contacts and active dialogue. President and members of the EAC reaffirmed the strategic significance of Rail Baltic project, which is ‘our number one strategic priority’.

06.05.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita videokonference ar Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisijas deputātiem