Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents ar Saeimas frakciju pārstāvjiem pārrunā sagatavoto likumprojektu par latviešu vēsturiskajām zemēm

Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with leaders of Saeima political groups in the Riga Castle to discuss President’s proposed Historical Latvian Lands bill before its submission to Saeima.

President Levits gave MPs an overview of the main points of the new bill. He underlined the importance of preserving and promoting local cultural environments and diversity of historical lands, which reflect the breadth of our national identity: ‘If cultural heritage that we pass down to our next generations is as diverse as it is today, to me that will mean that the law has achieved its goal.’ It must also be noted that this legislative initiative seeks to promote various cultural activities across different historical lands and will provide funding specifically for these means.

Egils Levits also pointed out that people’s willingness to preserve their own identity and nurture it will be crucial. The new law that will soon be debated by the Saeima is just an additional impetus that will complement people’s commitment and civic engagement. President of Latvia plans to present the bill to the parliament next week.

Participants: Valērijs Agešins, Juris Jurašs, Daniels Pavļuts, Jānis Dombrava, Atis Zakatistovs, Uldis Augulis, Ainars Latkovskis and Artūrs Toms Plešs.

15.09.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar Saeimas priekšsēdētāju un Saeimas frakciju vadību, lai pārrunātu Valsts prezidenta sagatavoto likumprojektu “Latviešu vēsturisko zemju likums” pirms tā iesniegšanas Saeimā