Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents un Rektoru padome apspriežas par augstskolu reformu un pārvaldību
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with Rūta Muktupāvela, Rector of Latvian Academy of Culture and Chair of Latvian Rectors Council (LRC), and Jānis Bernāts, Secretary-General, LRC, in the Riga Castle to discuss the current progress with the higher education reform and university governance model.

New university governance model, proposed university councils, future role, functions, scope of competence, composition, member appointment and election procedures of university senates and constitutional assemblies were the main topics discussed during the meeting.

Rectors Council representatives raised their concerns about university councils. Legal initiative reviewed by the parliament, Saeima, does not foresee any funding for such councils. Egils Levits and Rūta Muktupāvela agreed that the new governance model and roles, functions, responsibilities related to it should be appropriately financed through additional allocation of funding.

Rūta Muktupāvela also underlined that proposed legal changes will place huge amount of responsibility on council members without offering adequate compensation. President Levits replied by referring to best practices that require finding the right balance between the amount of rights and amount of responsibility.

On the future role of constitutional assemblies in the functioning of higher education establishments, members of the Rectors Council insisted upon keeping them in the governance model. These assemblies offer a good representation to all groups of university staff from academic to administrative and technical staff of universities, and students. Constitutional assemblies are crucial to institutional and academic freedom. According to President, at least 51% of constitutional assembly members should be made up of academic staff.

Participants of the meeting also came to a conclusion that typology of universities and higher educational establishments proposed in the legislative initiative is highly welcome. As far as strategic specialisation of universities proposed in the amendments is concerned, both sides agreed that universities should be allowed to pursue research activities in other fields beyond their primary specialisation.

Egils Levits indicated that Law on Higher Education Institutions must be amended in a way that leads to new modus operandi, enhanced competitiveness and excellence-driven higher education.

President and representatives of Rectors Council agreed to continue close higher education dialogue in future.

Rūta Muktupāvela told President Levits about the research consortium ‘Latvian culture: national development resource’ established by Latvian Academy of Culture, Art Academy of Latvia, Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, University of Latvia Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art and National Library of Latvia to conduct joint interdisciplinary research on current value of Latvian culture in the context of future sustainability.

07.12.2020. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits tiekas ar Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas rektori prof. Rūtu Muktupāvelu