Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents ar Latvijas Koledžu asociāciju pārrunā augstākās izglītības reformas aktualitātes
On 14 September, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with members of the board of Latvian College Association in the Riga Castle to discuss how colleges are coping with changes in the higher education system and higher education reform.

President keenly listened to remarks of the association representatives and pointed out that ‘although higher education reform is focusing on specific objectives, solutions concerning colleges are superficial, which definitely needs to be corrected’.

According to President Levits, Latvia needs to ensure that its education system is state of the art and competitive at the European and global level. All levels of education must strive for excellence and that is what higher education reform is geared towards.

President met with Tālavs Jundzis, Chair of Association’s Board and Head of Riga College of Law, and the following members of College Association Board: Jānis Rozenblats, Head of Riga Technical College, Ināra Upmale, Head of Red Cross Medical College of Riga Stradiņš University, Līvija Jankovska, Head of the Daugavpils University Medical College and Mariks Petrušins, Head of the State Border Patrol College.

14.09.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar biedrības “Latvijas Koledžu asociācija” valdes pārstāvjiem