Raimonds Vējonis
Latvia needed to tackle the issue of granting citizenship to newborn children of non-citizens, as President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis and Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muižnieks agreed during their meeting in the Riga Castle on Thursday, 29 June 2017. The officials stressed that it becoming a citizen from birth was in the child’s interest.


“It is high time that we arrange the issue of granting citizenship to newborn children of non-citizens. Latvia finds every child be of great value. We must prove that by deeds instead of speaking aloud only. Therefore, as soon as an autumn session of the Saeima starts, I shall come up with a legislative initiative to enable the newborn children of non-citizens in Latvia to become citizens of Latvia since the moment of their birth unless their parents choose citizenship of another existing country for their own children,” stated the President of Latvia.


Nils Muižnieks pointed out that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified by all Member States of the Council of Europe envisaged that every child had the right to citizenship. The basic principle of the Convention stipulates, "In all actions concerning children [...] the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration."


“The President’s initiative to determine the rights of newborn children of non-citizens to the citizenship of Latvia by law is plausible. Becoming a citizen from birth is definitely in the child’s interest,” outlined Commissioner fro Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muižnieks.


During the meeting, the CE Commissioner also briefed the President of Latvia on the current issues in human rights in the Member States of the Council of Europe.